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Research Paper | Biology | Sri Lanka | Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Development of Rapid Cooking Green Gram for Fast Food Industry
S. B. Navaratne
Abstract: Rapid cooking green gram was developed according to two factor factorial design using three variables at two levels namely a leavening agent, method of soaking and method of freezing.24 kg of clean green gram was taken and divided into 4 portions and two portions were cold soaked at 260C with (0.12 %) and without NaHCO3 for 6 hrs and the rest two were hot soaked at 700C with and without NaHCO3 for 3hrs. The each four portions of soaked green gram was divided into two and one portion of each was freeze at -80C for 4hrs and rest 4 were kept at room temperature (260C) for 4hrs. Thereafter, all eight portions were dried at 700C for 4 hrs to get the moisture content 6-7 %. All treatments were replicated thrice. Results revealed that best treatment was cold soaked green gram with 0.12 % NaHCO3 & without freezing and next best was cold soaked green gram without NaHCO3 and freezing. Triangle test for the best treatment against normal green gram revealed that there was no significant difference. Cooking test also confirmed that best treatments were cold soaked green gram with 0.12 % NaHCO3 & without freezing and cold soaked green gram without NaHCO3 & freezing as they have taken 7 and 8 minutes for re-cooking respectively. Gruel test revealed that there was no significant difference between all cold water soaked green gram and normal-fresh green gram.
Keywords: Green gram, rapid cooking, fast food, Sodium bicarbonate, cold soaking, hot soaking
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Pages: 189 - 192
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