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Review Papers | Mechanical Engineering | Iraq | Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
Heat Transfer Enhancement and Fluid Flow across Tube Banks Heat Exchanger with Passive Control Technique by Using Vortex Generator (A Review)
Mohammed Saad Kamel
Abstract: This paper describes the heat transfer enhancement and fluid flow across tube banks heat exchanger by means of vortex generator. One of the most important passive techniques to augment the heat transfer is the use of vortex generators. The vortex generator can be embedded in the plane fin and that too in a low cost with effect the original design and setup of the commonly used heat exchangers. Heat transfer and pressure drop depend on complex flow pattern of fluid in tube banks, whereas pressure drop linked directly with the fluid pumping capacity. Paper focuses to review a various design modifications which are implemented and studied experimentally and numerically by effect the shape of vortex generator, angles of attack, position and Reynolds number on wake size and vortex shedding.
Keywords: tube bank, vortex generator, heat exchanger, passive techniques, heat transfer
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014
Pages: 363 - 367
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