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Research Paper | Health & Nutrition | India | Volume 13 Issue 9, September 2024 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10
Assessing the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Module on Knowledge Regarding Lifestyle and Body Mass Index among School Children (06 to 12 Years) at Selected Schools, Rourkela, Odisha
Bandita Patra
Abstract: Aims and Objective: 1) To assess the knowledge of student regarding life style and body mass index by conducting pre - test. 2) To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching module on knowledge regarding lifestyle and body mass index among school children 3) To associate posttest level of knowledge score among school children on lifestyle practices and body mass index with selected demographic variables. Hypotheses: H0: There will not be significant effect between the pre test and post test knowledge scores regarding lifestyle and its impact on body mass index among school children (06 to 12 years). H1: There will be a significant effect between the pre test and post test knowledge scores regarding lifestyle and its impact on body mass index among school children (06 to 12 years). Methods: Evaluatory approach was used in this study. it aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching module on knowledge regarding impact on lifestyle practices and its impact on body mass index. The research deign is the plan, structure and strategy of investigation of answering the research questions, is the overall plan or blue print the researcher selects to carry out the study. The research design selected for this study was pre experimental one group pre and post test design. The pilot study was conducted in Krishna?s Vikash Ind. Global School, Rourkela for the period of one week 10 school children (6 to 12 years) in order to test the feasibility, relevance and practicability of the tool. A result show that the pre - test score is significantly lesser than the post test score and the study is feasible and practicable to carry out the main study. Result: In this study, the pre test and the post test level of knowledge. In the pretest majority (96%) of the school children had inadequate knowledge level and 4% had moderate level of knowledge. Nobody scored adequate in pre test. But in the post test, majority of the school children (57%) had moderate knowledge level and 43% of them scored adequate knowledge level. The above findings summarizes that, the structured teaching module has significant beneficial effect in the level of knowledge among school children. The comparison of mean pre test and post test knowledge level on lifestyle practices and its impact on body mass index among school children. The post test mean score 63.7 was high when compared to the pre test mean score of knowledge. which shows that there is significant difference between the pre test and post test level of knowledge regarding life style practices and its impact on body mass index among school children. Hence, the formulated research Hypothesis H1 was accepted. There is no significant association exist between the demographic variables of lifestyle practices and its impacts on body mass index among school children. Interpretation and Conclusion: The study to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching module on knowledge regarding life style practices body mass index among school children at selected schools Rourkela. The study involved pre and post - test to measure the impact of module. Results show a significant improvement in knowledge post intervention, indicating the modules effectiveness. The findings highlight the need for educational programs to address lifestyle related health issues among children.
Keywords: childhood obesity, body mass index, structured teaching module, lifestyle practices, school children
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 9, September 2024
Pages: 1611 - 1625
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