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Research Paper | Food Science | Saudi Arabia | Volume 13 Issue 9, September 2024 | Popularity: 5.2 / 10
The Impact of Different Soaking Solutions on Minerals Availability and In Vitro Protein Digestibility of Faba Bean (Vicia faba)
Lamya Fadlalla Eltayeb Fadlalla Eltayeb, Mashair Ahmed Sulieman Mohamed, Aisha Sheikh Mohamed Fageer
Abstract: This study was carried out to investigate the effect of soaking of faba bean (Agabat) on total minerals and its availability, phytic acid, in vitro protein digestibility, phytate phosphorus and non-phytate phosphorus content. Sample was purchased from local market in Khartoum. Soaked samples were prepared by soaking in distilled water and 4% citric acid at room temperature then all samples were sun dried, milled and kept in polyethylene bags at 40C for evaluating. All data were subjected to statistical analysis using (SPSS). The results showed that Mineral content significantly (P?0.05) not affected by Soaking in distilled water and 4% citric acid except zinc content which was significantly (P?0.05) increased. Minerals availability significantly (P?0.05) increased by soaking in 4% citric acid except iron availability which was not affected, on the other hand soaking in distilled water significantly (P?0.05) decreased the magnesium and zinc availability and increased calcium availability while potassium and iron availability were not affected. The anti-nutritional factor phytic acid was also affected by soaking showing significant (P?0.05) reduction from 196.1(mg/100g) in the control to 116.6 and144.3 in the sample soaked in distilled water and 4% citric acid respectively. In vitro protein digestibility significantly(P?0.05) improved by soaking. Phytate phosphorous decreased significantly(P?0.05). In conclusion, soaking of faba bean enhanced their nutritive value, using 4%citric acid resulted in higher nutritive value compared with distilled water.
Keywords: Faba bean, mineral, availability, protein digestibility, phytate
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 9, September 2024
Pages: 1486 - 1490
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