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Analysis Study Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 13 Issue 8, August 2024 | Popularity: 5.5 / 10
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Cybersecurity: A Systematic Approach
Mohammed Saleem Sultan, Mohammed Shahid Sultan
Abstract: Artificial intelligence will redefine the concept and operation of data security by infusing increased advanced threat detection, response, and prevention mechanisms. This paper will specifically discuss the critical role that AI - based systems play in the area of fortification of data security and also introduce innovative approaches underpinned by AI in cybersecurity. In the digitization age, connectivity and data exchange levels have touched unscaled heights, and in the process, data systems have never been so susceptible to the stroke of cyber threat. The increasing sophistication of data breaches, ransomware attacks, and other forms of attack, including sophisticated phishing schemes, makes it imperative for security measures to be similarly modern and innovative, responsive, and even predictive of quick real - time detection and response. In this respect, AI holds the promise of learning from experience. Building on this and a firm review of the current literature, this paper aims to evaluate the potential of AI to match modern security threats and the means through which it can be further integrated into the realm of cybersecurity. The study provides quantitative illustrations of cases where AI has been effectively adapted to dynamic security challenges, drastically reducing response times and improving detection accuracy. The study also presents some difficulties and limitations associated with integrating AI into cybersecurity infrastructures, ethical issues, personal data privacy, and never - ending algorithm updates. The results showed lots of promise for the achievements that AI could bring in cybersecurity by transforming the threat detection and response capability by a 30% reduction in the false positive rate. Threat identification became sure, and the false alerts were lessened. This reduced the time spent in responding to the identified threats by half, compared to traditional ways, and improved the ability of AI to process data and recognize patterns in real time. Also, AI integration has significantly reduced operational costs in the long term by automating routine tasks, thus assigning human resources to more strategic functions. However, among this multitude of benefits, the study also identifies the major challenges that need to be countered for successful implementation in AI: huge technological investment, the need for a workforce skilled in AI and data science, and data privacy and ethical issues. Transparent decisions with sufficient AI accountability are the factors that help avoid biases and maintain trust. The organizations, therefore, have strong data governance frameworks that must be developed to safeguard sensitive data, ensuring regulations around the globe. What can be gathered from this is that AI has great promise to revolutionize cybersecurity, but careful and strategic planning, ethical consideration, and ongoing monitoring are needed in the AI implementation process. In order to achieve balanced support, technological innovation and effective strategic management, by way of ethics and continuous education and training, are fundamental; these will help in utilizing the full potential of AI at work in cybersecurity. More research should focus on the long - term effects, the ethical consequences, and the interdisciplinary integration of AI into cybersecurity to benefit at the highest level while not being risky.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Data Security, Cybersecurity, Threat Detection, Machine Learning, Anomaly Detection
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 8, August 2024
Pages: 832 - 839
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