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Analysis Study Research Paper | Law | Bangladesh | Volume 13 Issue 8, August 2024 | Popularity: 5 / 10
Institutional Framework for Japanese Private Investors Ensuring Safe Investment in Developing Countries
Md Mahbubur Rahman
Abstract: ?nv?stm?nt proj??ts ar? ?ss?nt?ally subj??t?d to var?ous forms of risk that can impact expected performance such as the external environment, specific endogenous factors, operational structure, and functional investment objectives. This study explores the risks foreign investors, especially Japanese investors, will face in developing or underdeveloped countries, especially in trade secrets, trademarks, copyrights, patents, licensing, tax holidays, trade unions, and policies. Investors use personal relationships with business partners and government connections to reduce uncertainty by weak legal rules rather than substitutes for formal legal rules such as bilateral investment agreements and special economic zones. This research takes both primary and secondary sources of information. The main sources are local and foreign statutes, common law, codes of ethics, international documents, judicial decisions, and treaties. This essay recommends improving global trade and investment rules to prevent protectionist trade and investment.
Keywords: Economic Globalization; Political Economy; Security issues; Developing countries; Intellectual property; Trademark; copyright; patent; licensing; tax holidays; and Cash return policy
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 8, August 2024
Pages: 733 - 737
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