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Research Paper | Health and Medical Sciences | United Arab Emirates | Volume 13 Issue 7, July 2024 | Popularity: 4.6 / 10
Internet of Things for Smart Healthcare
Mohamed Ershad Abdul Mansoor, Marwa Abbas Almaazmi, Noura Khalifa Alrahbi
Abstract: The paper will focus on the Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare, a rapidly evolving field. IoT is a network of physical devices embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity. It gathers a vast amount of information that enables us to maintain a framework for storing and studying essential data. IoT has the potential to be used in the pharmaceutical industry for record-keeping, conducting studies and cost saving [1]. In this paper, authors are going to cover the general attributes of IoT, its benefits and applications in medical field, its limitation as a technology, successful stories in healthcare that harnessed IoT principle and lastly the future expectations about IoT technology.
Keywords: IoT, AdOM, China, Covid-19, Capsule endoscopy
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 7, July 2024
Pages: 1146 - 1149
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