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Research Paper | Physiotherapy | India | Volume 13 Issue 7, July 2024 | Popularity: 5.5 / 10
Co-Relation of Body Mass Index with Foot Posture Index Scale amongst Adolescent Population of Mumbai
Drashti Sheth, Pavitra Thombare
Abstract: Background: There is a diversity of person with their diverse body composition. Majority changes in body composition occurs in adolescent with the changes in the body composition along with the feet during adolescent stage. The Foot Posture Index (FPI-6) stands out from other foot type classification methods as valid, reliable, and multidimensional this scale was used to assessed the posture of the foot. The purpose of this study was to correlate the BMI with the FPI-6 scale. Aim and Objective: To find out Co-relation of Body mass index with foot posture index scale amongst adolescent population of Mumbai. Methods: This is a co-relation study that involves participation of adolescents between the age group of 13-19 years. The body composition was assessed by measuring height and weight and BMI was calculated. Foot posture was assessed using the Foot Posture Index Scale-6. The data collected was then analysed and statistics was carried out using IBM SPSS statistics version Results: There is a weak positive correlation of BMI with both right and left feet (p-value=0.603, p-value=0.569) respectively. Conclusion: The study concludes that the feet in this study were classified as normal with a tendency to pronation, particularly in the adolescent with the higher BMI.
Keywords: Posture, BMI, Feet, Adolescent
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 7, July 2024
Pages: 697 - 701
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