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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 13 Issue 7, July 2024 | Popularity: 4.9 / 10
A Study on Latrinalia and the Role of Value Judgements among Community People in Selected Community Area at Ahmedabad
Soma Bepari Das
Abstract: Graffiti is writing or drawing created on a wall or alternative surface, typically while not permission and at intervals public read. There square measure many sorts of graffiti, that embody rest room graffiti or latrinalia. The study was descriptive and the quantitative approach was considered. In this study survey research design was used 310 samples for associate value judgement with selected demographic variable was collected by systematic sampling technique. The result of prevalence of latrinalia shows that 20% latrinalia seen in latrines of Bharuch. And 80% latrines doesn?t have latrinalia and value judgement among community peoples result shows that calculated chi-square value was greater than table value for demographic variable: age (x2= 23.5837p<0.05) and socio-economic status (x2= 19.362p<0.05) there is significant association between value judgement and demographic variables like age and socio-economic status. And the calculated chi square value is laser than table value for demographic variables gender (X2=1.1695P<0.50) and education (X2=8.906 P<0.50). So, there is no significant association between value judgement and demographic variables like gender and education.
Keywords: Latrinalia, Value judgement
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 7, July 2024
Pages: 164 - 165
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