Challenges of Marrying at Late Age
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Informative Article | Social Studies | India | Volume 13 Issue 6, June 2024 | Popularity: 5.8 / 10


Challenges of Marrying at Late Age

Dr. Rajkumari Ahir

Abstract: Marriage is a universal social and cultural institution. Marriage is a legally accepted relationship between two people in which both of them live together, marriage is the foundation of social structure. The decision to marry reflects a complex interplay of personal aspirations, cultural norms, and structural factors such as, while traditional expectations once favored early marriage, contemporary education earlier. Committing to marriage has resulted in a significant postponement of the age of marriage in various cultures. Education is an important determinant of socio - economic status and life opportunities. This has considerable influenced the individuals including the timing of their marriage. Marriage is a legal institution for producing children. But with modern technology and law, it has become easy to have a child without marriage. The effects and basic reasons of late marriage have been mentioned in detail above. In this part, we briefly discuss the basis of information. If we compare, there are more disadvantages than advantages of late marriage because when we review the literature, we come to know that the disadvantages of late marriage are more significant than the advantages. As these couples respect their individuality and goals. But sometimes women who want to continue their education are concerned about the possibility of becoming pregnant during their marriage. And Men also have the same issues because, after getting married. They have to earn money for additional responsibilities. Late marriage is becoming a problem in the present society. In developed countries, late marriage is popular among the people, the reason behind this is the acceptance of free life system in their society which is becoming popular in other countries also Many people have premarital sex, sexual relations with multiple people, women's and men's career priorities, family responsibility, personal promiscuity, avoidance of responsibility, freedom from social constraints, conflict of ego and interest, avoidance of children or family responsibility and many others. Reasons to accept things Start not giving importance to marriage.

Keywords: Cohabitation, Aging, IVF Technology, Surrogacy, Marrying

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 6, June 2024

Pages: 1100 - 1102


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Dr. Rajkumari Ahir, "Challenges of Marrying at Late Age", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 13 Issue 6, June 2024, pp. 1100-1102,, DOI: