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Research Paper | Physiotherapy | India | Volume 13 Issue 6, June 2024 | Popularity: 5.4 / 10
Effects of Lumbar Stabilization Exercise with Abdominal Strengthening Exercise in Improving Trunk Stability for Patients with Stroke
P. K. Jaisri, Dr. R. Jayabharathi, Priya
Abstract: Background: Stroke is the sudden loss of neurological function due to loss or lack of blood supply to brain. It is the leading cause of disability and death worldwide, but early recognition and prompt treatment can greatly improve the recovery. Objectives: The main objective of the study to find the effects of lumbar stabilization exercise along with abdominal strengthening exercise in improving the trunk stability in stroke patients. Methodology: It was a pre and post test quasi experimental study, based on inclusion and exclusion criteria 20 subjects were selected and by convenient sampling method they were divided into two groups. Group A received lumbar stabilization alone and Group B received lumbar stabilization along with abdominal strengthening exercise. The treatment duration was 8 weeks, the pre and post test score was assessed with Trunk Impairment Scale (TIS). Both paired and unpaired t test was done to rule the effect of the treatment with p value significance level < 0.05.Result: after 8 weeks of treatment protocol the subjects were assessed with Trunk Impairment Scale(TIS) and showed there is comparatively a higher improvement in Group B when compared with Group A. Conclusion: There was significant improvement in the group receiving lumbar stabilization exercise and abdominal strengthening exercise.
Keywords: Stroke, CVA, Stability, lumbar stabilization, abdominal strengthening exercise
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 6, June 2024
Pages: 167 - 172
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