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Short Communication | Medical Science | India | Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024 | Popularity: 4.2 / 10
n-COVID 2019 Indian Perspectives: Thought Structuring at the Time of Pandemic
Dr Faraaz Hussain, Dr Ishan Pasricha, Dr Reshma Ramakrishnan
Abstract: Being a health care personal from India, the world?s second most populous country, the current pandemic is indeed gravely problematic-learning from the history of the Spanish flu in 1918 is informative. India is supposed to have been the country worst affected by it-being a colonized country funding a ?World? War amongst the colonizers with everything from food to soldiers & doctors-India is said to have lost 6% of its population to the pandemic within just two years. That is about 50-100 million human lives or nearly the combined death toll of both world wars. This was worsened with the drought of 1918, and the continued shipment of food grains and other essential items along with personal to the British Empire even in the following years. Our famous leader, M. K. Gandhi is supposed to have said about the pandemic-?All interest in the living had ceased?, which is expected considering that it was estimated that nearly all rivers of India were supposed to have been filled with dead bodies.
Keywords: n-COVID 2019, Pandemic
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024
Pages: 1927 - 1931
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