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Research Paper | Public Health | India | Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024 | Popularity: 5.5 / 10
Cogency of Structured Teaching Program on Lung Cancer Proficiency
Sasikala G
Abstract: Lung cancer is the leading killer disease among men and women. It has been the most common cancer in the World for several decades, and in 2008, there was an estimated 1.61 million cases representing 12.7% of all new cases. The present study was aimed to assess the cogency regarding lung cancer among the smokers in a selected rural area, Tirunelveli District. A quantitative approach with experimental research design was used for this study. The study was conducted at a selected rural area in Tirunelveli District with 20 samples in the study and control groups using simple random sampling technique. Structured teaching programme on lung cancer was provided for the participants in the study group with flash cards. A structured interview schedule was used to assess the cogency regarding lung cancer and was graded as adequate and inadequate cogency. The findings of the study states that during pretest 85% of the smokers in the study group and 90% of the smokers in the control group had inadequate cogency. In posttest 95% of smokers in the study group and 30% of the smokers in the control group had adequate cogency. Structured teaching programme on lung cancer among smokers was found to be an efficient method to motivate to quit smoking and which in - turn reduces the incidence of lung cancer in the society.
Keywords: lung cancer, cogency, smokers, structured teaching programme
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024
Pages: 1651 - 1656
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