International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Review Papers | Environmental Engineering | India | Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024

Exposure to Particulate Matter and the Health Risks Associated with Burning of Biomass in Rural Areas: A Review

Sanmathi K R

Abstract: Air pollution has emerged as a significant environmental health risk factor in society. The seventh - largest risk factor for the global disease burden that causes early deaths is the exposure to fine particulate matter that results from residential air pollution. The main residential energy source for half of the world's population is biomass fuel. Most of the tribal society people relies on fuelwood as their primary source of cooking energy which leads to mass of particulate matters (PM). Due to increased inhalation of smoke when cooking, women are more prone to the adverse effects of wood burning. Burning of biomass releases gases including sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide, along with other toxic particulates that can pollute the air, posing health problems which should be examined further for both long - term and short - term exposure. Research on the impacts of indoor air quality has been done on tribal monitoring, with a particular focus on using biomass fuel for cooking at intervals of eight hours, in rural areas based on the concentrations of particulate matters respectively. In addition, a real - time monitoring system on Indoor air quality was deployed to ascertain the house's temperature, humidity, and carbon monoxide concentration while performing household chores or other activities. Based on data from epidemiological studies, most rural regions worldwide, especially those in poor nations, often burn urban biomass which leads to higher risk in human health perspective. Over two fifths of biomass is used in the form of wood, crop leftovers, and animal manure. Household and ambient air pollution are mostly caused by incomplete burning of biomass. Particulate matter, which has been connected to a number of health hazards like respiratory and cardiovascular conditions, is emitted by this source. It is necessary to investigate several elements such as fuel type, combustion circumstances, and climatic factors that affect the amount of particulate matter produced while burning biomass. In addition, the review determines the possible health effects of particulate matter exposure, emphasizing respiratory and cardiovascular conditions. In order to effectively mitigate exposure, it emphasises the need for more study on the health dangers related to burning of wood in rural locations and allows to explore the advantages of improved health and the environment.

Keywords: Air pollution, Health risks, Particulate matter, Biomass, Personal exposure, Rural women

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024,

Pages: 698 - 703

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