International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Computer Science and Information Technology | United States of America | Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024

Revolutionizing Customer Experience in CRM Applications with AI and ML

Khirod Chandra Panda [3]

Abstract: Customer relationship management (CRM) software has become essential for businesses, enabling them to manage customer interactions and foster relationships effectively. This software encompasses features such as customer data management, sales and marketing automation, and customer service tools. In today's competitive landscape, CRM has evolved into a strategic necessity for companies aiming to enhance customer experiences and gain a competitive edge. The integration of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly transformed CRM software development. These technologies empower businesses to gain deeper insights into their customers' behaviors and preferences, automate repetitive tasks, and deliver more personalized experiences. For example, ML algorithms can analyze vast amounts of customer data to identify patterns and predict future behaviors, enabling companies to tailor their offerings and marketing strategies accordingly. AI - powered chatbots can provide instant customer support, answering queries and resolving issues promptly, even outside of regular business hours. This article explores the pivotal role of ML and AI in enhancing CRM software. It delves into how these technologies can enrich the features and capabilities of CRM systems, offering businesses valuable tools for improving customer relationships and driving growth. Additionally, the article addresses the challenges associated with implementing ML and AI in CRM, providing practical insights into integration strategies and best practices for businesses embarking on this transformative journey. Ultimately, the integration of ML and AI into CRM software is not just about enhancing operational efficiency; it's about empowering businesses to better understand and serve their customers, fostering stronger, more meaningful relationships that drive long - term success.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence (AI), Automated customer support, Chatbots, Customer data management, Customer engagement, Customer insights, Customer relationship management (CRM), Customer segmentation, Dynamic load balancing Prediction, Machine learning (ML), Predictive analytics, Predictive lead scoring

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024,

Pages: 312 - 315

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