International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Computer Science | India | Volume 13 Issue 3, March 2024

Discovering Hidden Contributors to Low Birth Weight: A Comprehensive Analysis of Maternal and Neonatal Factors

M. Surya [4] | Dr. K. Menaka [4]

Abstract: Low Birth Weight (LBW) is the primary cause of major health problems of new born infants. LBW is a term used for neonatal whose weight is usually lesser than 2500 grams and potentially they have the higher risk of developing diseases than other babies. From the literature, it is understood that the common factors that play a major role on LBW are gender of the baby, the age of the mother, mother?s weight gain during her gestational period, malnutrition etc. There are also some concealed factors which are being given less importance but expected to have equal significance and hence this research is focused on identifying those factors. They include, Occipito-Frontal Circumference (OFC) of the baby, blood pressure and diabetes condition of the mother during her gestational period, medical history of the mother, BMI of mother in terms of obese/normal/ overweight, single or twin pregnancy, length of the baby etc. which were considered during the gestational period of the mother in this work. The main purpose is to detect the problem at an early stage during the pregnancy stage of a mother in order to avoid further complications for the infant and to assist physicians to protect the fetus with proper care. This study underwent some statistical analyses to explore the association between the various risk factors causing LBW.

Keywords: LBW, Maternal factors, Statistical Analyses

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 3, March 2024,

Pages: 509 - 512

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