International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Comparative Studies | Physiotherapy | India | Volume 13 Issue 3, March 2024

A Study to Compare the Effectiveness of Static Stretching and Hold Relax Technique Over Hamstring Flexibility for Collegiate Athletes

A. Prakash [5] | E. Poovarasi

Abstract: The aim of the study is to compare the effectiveness of static stretching and hold relax techniques over hamstring flexibility for collegiate athletes. To evaluate the baseline levels of the hamstring flexibility in collegiate athletes through standardized testing procedures. To implement a structured static stretching program, consisting of a series of static stretches targeting the hamstrings, for a designated group of participants. To administer a hold-relax techniques program, which involves a combination of passive stretching and isometric muscle contractions for another group of participants. Objective: The objective of the study is to compare the effectiveness of static stretching and hold relax techniques over hamstring flexibility for collegiate athletes. Background of the Study: Flexibility is defined as the ability of the muscles to lengthen allowing one joint or more than one joint in a series to move through a range of motion. Flexibility allows tissue to accommodate more easily to stress thus minimizing or preventing muscle injury. But this study sought to identify the study to compare the effectiveness of static stretching and hold relax technique over hamstring flexibility for collegiate athlete. Materials and Methodology: An experimental study was done to compare the effectiveness of static stretching and hold relax technique over hamstring flexibility for collegiate athletes. The inclusion criteria were age group of 18-25, athletes with hamstring tightness and the exclusion criteria were anyone having neurological problem in lumbar region, lower limb fracture etc. Procedure: Group A consists of 15 subjects who were trained with static stretching. Group B consists of 15 subjects who were trained withhold relax technique. Outcome measure sit and reach test and active knee extension test to measure the hamstring length. Result: On comparing pretest and posttest value within group A and group B and posttest value between the groups on sit and reach test and active knee extension test shows highly significant difference in mean values at p?0.001. Conclusion: From the results obtained it is concluded that there is very highly significant enhancement in hamstring flexibility following both static stretch and hold relax technique in hamstring muscle. Further comparison the post treatment effect of both static stretch and hold relax concludes that hold relax is better.

Keywords: Hamstring, flexibility, sit and reach test, hold relax and static stretching

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 3, March 2024,

Pages: 318 - 322

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