International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Informative Article | Engineering Science | India | Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021

Optimizing Electric Vehicle Performance through Firmware Updates: Strategies and Case Studies

Omkar Manohar Ghag [5]

Abstract: This research paper broadly investigates the transformative part of firmware overhauls in optimizing the execution of electric vehicles (EVs). By delving into strategies and real - world case studies, the paper sheds light on how firmware is the linchpin in enhancing various facets of EV functionality. The foundational aspect involves continuous monitoring and data analysis, providing manufacturers with valuable insights into patterns and areas for improvement, subsequently shaping targeted updates. The advent of Over - the - Air (OTA) capabilities revolutionizes the delivery of firmware, ensuring a swift and seamless implementation of optimizations, thereby minimizing downtime. Machine learning integration is crucial, enabling dynamic adaptation to individual driving patterns and changing environmental conditions, ensuring that the EV operates at its peak efficiency across diverse circumstances. Case studies drawn from industry pioneers, including Tesla, Nissan, and Chevrolet, showcase the substantial impact of firmware updates. Tesla's Autopilot updates exemplify advancements in autonomous driving capabilities, while Nissan and Chevrolet address specific challenges such as battery administration and thermal management, highlighting the versatility of firmware - based optimization. In addition to examining the transformative impact of firmware updates on electric vehicle functionality, this research delves into the potential challenges and future directions of firmware - based optimization. It scrutinizes the compatibility issues that arise in ensuring seamless integration across diverse EV models, emphasizing the need for careful design and consideration. The paper also underscores the importance of standardization and regulation to foster a cohesive approach to firmware updates in the rapidly expanding electric vehicle market, ultimately contributing to these advancements' safety, security, and reliability.

Keywords: Electric Vehicles, Firmware Updates, Optimization, Machine Learning, Battery Management, User Experience and Challenges

Edition: Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021,

Pages: 1471 - 1473

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