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Research Paper | Law | India | Volume 13 Issue 12, December 2024 | Popularity: 5 / 10
Domestic Violence Against Women and Right to Equality
Dr. Rajkumari Premila Devi
Abstract: Violence against women is an obstacle to the achievement of the objectives of equality, development, and peace. Violence within the family is most degrading to a woman's dignity. In the Indian patriarchal joint family system, it became an established tradition for women to live for and with the approval of men. Independence of India brought about an awareness that human dignity is desired, it can be ensured through gender equality. Indian constitution is a comprehensive document enshrining various principles of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity. The Indian parliament has often invoked Article 15 of the constitution to pass special legislative and executive measures to protect women. The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, and The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 are legislations to protect women from domestic violence. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 expanded the definition of violence. This Act also provides the functions of protection officers who have to ensure that all aggrieved people are provided with assistance. This 2005 Act is to provide effective protection of the rights of women guaranteed under the constitution of India who are the victims of domestic violence. The present paper attempts to examine the causes of domestic violence and also focuses on the laws relating to domestic violence and prevention measures. For the study secondary sources of data were used.
Keywords: Domestic violence, rights, dignity, gender equality
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 12, December 2024
Pages: 1619 - 1622
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