Knowledge about Needle - Stick Injury among Doctors in the Emergency Department in Ibrahim Malik Hospital in Sudan
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Medicine | Saudi Arabia | Volume 13 Issue 12, December 2024 | Popularity: 4.8 / 10


Knowledge about Needle - Stick Injury among Doctors in the Emergency Department in Ibrahim Malik Hospital in Sudan

Doaa Mohammedosman Abdallah Mohammed

Abstract: Background: Needle - stick injury is common among health care workers worldwide. Each year a significant number of injuries occur, despite the fact that it can be prevented. Method: This is a cross sectional study that aims to assess the knowledge of the doctors regarding the causes, management and post exposure prophylaxis following the injury. Results: About 92.2% (n=354) believed that recapping the needle is the main cause of needle - stick injury. Failing to dispose the needle properly ranked second to recapping the needle as a cause of injury.63.3% (n=243) answered that the site should be washed with soap and water.71.6% (n=275) believed that those who received hepatitis b vaccine must receive the vaccine again following an injury. Conclusion: Training regarding needle - stick injury management is highly recommended to increase knowledge of doctors in this subject.

Keywords: needle - stick injury, healthcare workers, injury prevention, post - exposure prophylaxis, doctor training

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 12, December 2024

Pages: 1281 - 1283


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Doaa Mohammedosman Abdallah Mohammed, "Knowledge about Needle - Stick Injury among Doctors in the Emergency Department in Ibrahim Malik Hospital in Sudan", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 13 Issue 12, December 2024, pp. 1281-1283,, DOI: