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Research Paper | Medicine | India | Volume 13 Issue 12, December 2024 | Popularity: 5.6 / 10
Correlation Between Risk Factors and Glycemic Status in Diabetes
Dr. Faiz Attar, Dr. Lokesh M R, Dr. Alisha Husain
Abstract: Objective: This study aims to assess the association of Risk Factors and Glycemic status in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). The research focuses on understanding the potential role of risk factors on Glycemic status in T2DM patients. Methods: A cross - sectional study was conducted on individuals diagnosed with T2DM. Participants were categorized into separate groups based on the HbA1C levels (<7, 7 - 9, >9) respectively and risk factors, including, age, sex, duration of diabetes, smoking, hypertension and body mass index. The chi - square test was employed to examine any correlation for Statistical analyses. Results: Preliminary findings suggest statistical significance between hypertension and HbA1C within individuals with T2DM. The data also indicate there is potential link between risk factors and HbA1C in T2DM. Conclusion: This study underscores the significance of evaluating A possible effect of HbA1C on risk factors in T2DM patients. To clarify the underlying mechanisms and investigate if therapies aimed at lowering HbA1C helps in lowering risk factors, more study is required on topic. The outcomes of this investigation may contribute valuable insights for the development of preventive strategies and personalized management approaches in individuals with T2DM.
Keywords: Type 2 Diabetes, Risk Factors, HbA1C
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 12, December 2024
Pages: 454 - 458
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