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Informative Article | Nursing | India | Volume 13 Issue 11, November 2024 | Popularity: 5.3 / 10
Exploring Ethical Principles and Challenges in Nursing Practice
Harshna Richard Qadir
Abstract: Ethics refers to the branch of philosophy that deals with questions about what is morally right and wrong, good and bad, fair and unfair. It entails a critical analysis of the ideal way of living, the values that drive our choices, and the guiding principles that direct our behavior. Ethical considerations encompass not just personal conduct but also the wider moral consequences of societal structures, organizations, and customs. A profession's ethics are crucial because they guarantee that those working in that field uphold the values of accountability, honesty, integrity, and justice. Trust and responsibility, which are fundamental to the legitimacy and reputation of the individual professional as well as the profession overall, are fostered by ethical behavior. Ethics serve as a guidance while making decisions in a professional setting, particularly when confronted with difficult problems for which there is no obvious answer. By requiring professionals to prioritize welfare, safety, and right, ethical standards also serve to protect the general public, clients, and stakeholders. Ethical considerations play a fundamental role in shaping the practice of nursing, guiding nurses in their interactions with patients, families, and the healthcare system as a whole. As healthcare professionals entrusted with the well-being of individuals in their care, nurses are bound by a code of ethics that sets forth principles and standards to uphold the values of respect, compassion, and integrity. This article explores the intricate landscape of ethical issues in nursing, delving into key principles, dilemmas, and responsibilities that confront nurses in their daily practice. From navigating patient autonomy and informed consent to grappling with end-of-life care decisions and advocating for social justice, nurses encounter a myriad of ethical challenges that require thoughtful consideration and ethical reasoning. By examining these ethical issues through a critical lens, nurses can enhance their ethical competence and ensure the delivery of compassionate, patient-centered care.
Keywords: ethics, nursing, patient care, ethical dilemmas, professional standards
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 11, November 2024
Pages: 588 - 592
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