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Analysis Study Research Paper | Health and Medical Sciences | India | Volume 13 Issue 11, November 2024 | Popularity: 5.4 / 10
A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice regarding Family Planning Methods among Women in Reproductive Age in Selected Areas of Faridkot, Punjab
Dr. Mandeep Kaur, Pabal Preet Kaur, Samandeep Kaur
Abstract: Introduction: Family planning is a voluntary and conscious effort made by the married couple to limit the number of children they have through adopting family planning methods. Family planning promote and protect the reproductive health of the mother by avoiding unwanted pregnancies and abortions, prevents sexually transmitted diseases, and improves the quality of life of mother and family. Population explosion is a major problem that we see nowadays and to tackle this issue already there are ample of programmes that focuses on small family norms and use of contraceptives. Many researchers showed that the people have knowledge and awareness of contraception?s but utilization of contraceptives is limited. So, we felt the need to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) regarding Family Planning methods among women in reproductive age. Methodology: Descriptive study conducted in Bazigar Basti of District Faridkot for a period of 3 months from September 2023 to November 2023.Data was collected from 200 samples by using purposive sampling technique after fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Face to face interview was conducted after briefly explaining the objectives of the study and obtaining consent from the subjects. Results: in present study all women heard of contraceptives. More than half (51%) women currently not using any contraceptive method whereas less than half (42.5%) use condoms followed by 3% oral pills, 2.5% implants and only 1% injectables. In terms of level of attitude, Two-third (63.5%) women have favourable attitude regarding family planning followed by 36.5% were have moderately favourable attitude towards family planning. More than half (51%) of women never used any family planning before whereas only 49% has used any family planning before. Conclusion: In present study it is concluded that women have knowledge about family planning and have favourable attitude towards contraceptive but still the utilization was quiet low.
Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, practice, Family planning methods, women in reproductive age
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 11, November 2024
Pages: 622 - 627
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