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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 13 Issue 1, January 2024 | Popularity: 4.7 / 10
A Study to Assess the Knowledge regarding Computer Vision Syndrome among the Faculty Members of SGT University, Gurugram Haryana with a View to Develop an Informational Pamphlet
Junaid Khurshid, Syed Shahid Siraj
Abstract: Computer Vision Syndrome, also known as Digital Eye Strain, is a collection of eye and vision disorders induced by prolonged use of computers and digital gadgets. It is a transient condition caused by inappropriate positioning and prolonged use of digital devices. Computer Vision Syndrome is commonly caused by glare from the screen, bad lighting, poor seated posture, inappropriate monitor positioning, and uncorrected vision disorders. Almost everyone who spends more than two hours each day using computers or digital devices such as tablets, iPads, or mobile phones is at risk of developing Computer Vision Syndrome.
Keywords: Computer Vision Syndrome, Knowledge
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 1, January 2024
Pages: 559 - 562
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