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Research Paper | Dental Science | Bulgaria | Volume 13 Issue 10, October 2024 | Popularity: 5.2 / 10
Endoscopic Access Possibility in Maxillary Sinus Floor Augmentation - Part II
Desislava Stoyanova
Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine whether the largest share of visibility (SV) from the total viewing area of the maxillary sinus floor (MSF) is achieved when the endoscope enters in an anterior-posterior direction at 10 mm and an viewing angle of 45? at a comparable 30?, 45? and 70?. Materials and methods: An experimental study was conducted where SV of the maxillary sinus total surface area was measured on twenty 3D simulation models by using a built-in optics endoscope with angular visual axis deflected from 15? - 90?. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in SV of MSF total field of view relative to the medial, central, and distal endoscopic access openings at an endoscope penetration of 10 mm and an endoscope viewing angle of 45?and 70?, p?0.05. SV of MSF total field of view was the same for all three openings and for both endoscope viewing angle of 45?and 70? and this SV was the highest compared with all other observations performed. Conclusion: This study offers valuable insights into the use of endoscopic techniques for minimally invasive maxillary sinus floor MSF augmentation. By analyzing the relationship between the endoscopes viewing angle, penetration depth, and field of view, the research confirms that optimal visibility is achieved at a 10 mm penetration depth with a 45? and 70? viewing angle.
Keywords: endoscope, share of visibility, maxillary sinus floor, 3d models, endoscopically navigated surgery
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 10, October 2024
Pages: 1123 - 1128
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