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Research Paper | Obstetrics and Gynecology | India | Volume 13 Issue 10, October 2024 | Popularity: 5.2 / 10
Serum Ferritin Level as a Marker of Preterm Labor- A Prospective Observational Study
Dr. Priyanka H S, Dr. Shamili K, Dr. Varija T, Dr. Soujanya Hyati, Dr. Bhukke Bhavya
Abstract: Introduction: Prematurity is a major healthcare problem throughout the globe. Preterm labor (PTL), defined as the labour starts between 28 weeks and before 36 weeks 6 days of gestation. The causes and mechanisms of PTL remain unknown which limit the prediction and prevention of PTL. Ferritin is also a primary intracellular storage protein that holds iron in an insoluble and nontoxic state, while it has been reported to increase in a number of acute - phase reactions such as inflammation. It has been hypothesized that subclinical maternal infection is responsible for increase in maternal serum ferritin levels and spontaneous preterm PROM. The study is planned with objective to study serum ferritin in preterm and term pregnancy. Materials & methods: A prospective Observational study conducted in Department of OBG, Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences, Ballari over a period of 6 months consist of 70 subjects. All patients with diagnosis of preterm labor (>28 weeks and <36 weeks 6 days of gestation) and controls who ?37 weeks of gestation. All pregnant women who fulfill the diagnostic criteria that is >28 weeks and <42 weeks of gestation above 18 years of age. Antenatal steroids will be administered to mother. Patient will be monitored both intrapartum and postpartum. Newborn is assessed by APGAR scores, any admission to NICU and followed till early neonatal period. Results: Majority of cases and controls were in the age group of 25 years or less (51.4%) followed by 26 to 30 years 29 (41.4%) and least 5 (7.1%) were above the age of 31 years. Distribution of cases and controls are almost equal all among age groups. Most of the subjects 38.5% are 2nd gravid, followed by Primi gravida 50.0% and least were grandmulties 11.4%. There was almost equal representation of various parity categories across cases and controls. Among 35 preterm labour cases 23 (65.7%) were normal vaginal deliveries and 12 (34.2%) were emergency LSCS; 34 (97.8%) out of 35 cases delivered live babies and 01 (2.2%) had still birth in cases. In Control 35 preterm labour cases 19 (54.2%) were normal vaginal deliveries and 11 (31.4%) were emergency LSCS; 34 (97.8%) out of 35 cases delivered live babies and 01 (2.2%) had still birth in cases. The mean serum ferritin levels in patients were 42.299 ? 21.68 and in controls were 22.350 ? 8.86. Cases had considerably higher mean serum ferritin levels than controls. Conclusion: High serum ferritin level is associated with premature delivery and serum ferritin level may consider as a marker for preterm labor. In cases with high serum ferritin, prophylactic treatment and early intervention may be considered to prevent preterm birth and to improve pregnancy outcome.
Keywords: Preterm Labor, Serum Ferritin, APGAR scores
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 10, October 2024
Pages: 742 - 745
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