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Case Studies | Ayurveda | India | Volume 13 Issue 10, October 2024 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Management of Bronchial Asthma (~Tamaka Shwasa) through Ayurveda
Dr. Ajay Pareek, Dr. Harish K. Singhal
Abstract: Asthma is a chronic lung illness characterized by airway obstruction, inflammation, and hyper-reactivity to numerous stimuli that is often treatable with bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory medications. If not effectively managed, some persistent asthmatics have irreversible airway remodeling. Asthma is a major health issue globally and produces a great cost on the family and society. It accounts for a high number of lost school days and interferes with academic progress and social interaction. It also puts a load on health visits to doctors and hospitals. It leads to recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, tightness of chest and cough particularly at night or early morning. In Ayurveda juvenile bronchial asthma can be correlated with Tamak Shwasa which is one of them among five types of Shwasa Roga. This is mainly caused by vitiation of Vata and Kapha Doshas. In the present context an 8-Year-old child was reported to Ayurveda paediatric OPD with complaint of cough, breathless aggravating on exposure to cold, dust, and allergen which was more aggravated during night time. It disturbed sleep of affected child also. After evaluating the child Ayurveda line of treatment was followed to breakdown its Samprapti (etiopathogenesis). Along with this Pathyapathya (do?s & don?t) was advised. After one month of treatment the symptom was completely. Treatment was continued for 7 months for complete cure. However no adverse events were reported.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Asthma, Breathing, Bronchial, Bronchodilator, Kapha, Vata, Wheezes, Whistlin
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 10, October 2024
Pages: 456 - 459
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