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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 12 Issue 9, September 2023 | Popularity: 5.5 / 10
A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge regarding Prevention of Farmer's Lung among Farmers from Selected Rural Areas
Amrapali Shishupal Ramteke
Abstract: Aim of the study: The study aims to assess the knowledge regarding prevention of farmer's lung among farmers from selected rural areas. Problem statement: A descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding prevention of farmer's lung among farmers from selected rural areas. Primary objective: To assess the knowledge regarding prevention of farmer's lung among farmers from selected rural areas. Secondary objectives : 1) To associate the knowledge regarding prevention of farmer's lung among farmers with their age. 2) To associate the knowledge regarding prevention of farmer's lung among farmers with gender. 3) To associate the knowledge regarding prevention of farmer's lung among farmers with their educational status. 4) To associate the knowledge regarding prevention of farmer's lung among farmers with duration of work. Method: A non-experimental research design with non-probability convenient sampling technique was used to assess the knowledge regarding prevention of farmer's lung among farmers from selected rural areas among 106 farmers. The data was collected by using Structured knowledge questionnaire. Results: The findings of the study revealed that the distribution of subjects in relation to their demographic characteristics. In the present study the distribution of subjects in relation to their age in year, 28.30% of the subjects were in the age group of 20-25 years and 71.70% of them were in the age group of 25-30 years. In relation to their gender 47.20% of the subjects were males and 52.80% of them were females. In relation to their educational status 17.90% of the subjects were educated up to primary standard, each 40.60% of them were educated up to secondary, 40.60% of them were educated up to higher secondary standard and 0.90% of them were graduates. In relation to their duration of work 8.50% of them had less than one year, 38.70% of them had 1-5 years, 26.40% of the subjects were having duration of work of 5-10 years and 26.40% of the subjects were having duration of work of 10 years and above. Out of 106 samples 100% of the subjects did not attend any workshop/seminar regarding farmer's lung disease. Assessment of level of knowledge regarding prevention of farmer's lung among subjects from selected rural areas. The level of knowledge score was divided under following heading of poor, average, good and excellent. 8.5% of the subjects had poor level of knowledge, 38.7% had average level of knowledge and 26.4% of them had good and excellent level of knowledge. Interpretation and conclusion: After the detailed analysis, this study leads to following conclusion, that among all subjects 8.5% of the subjects had poor level of knowledge, 38.7% had average level of knowledge and 26.4% of them had good and 26.4% of them had excellent level of knowledge regarding prevention of farmer's lung among subjects working in farm. The demographic variables of subjects were statistically not associated with their knowledge score. The finding should be used to design awareness strategy for prevention of farmer's lung, thereby decreasing burden of farmer's lung disease as well as respiratory illnesses among farmers.
Keywords: FLD, Farmer's lung disease, HP, Hypersensitive pneumonitis, COPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, PPE, Personal protective equipment, RPE, Respiratory protective equipment, ILD, Interstitial lung disease, HBM, Health belief model, APP, Acute pesticide poisoning, FEV, Forced expiratory volume, FVC, Forced vital capacity, ARI, Acute respiratory infection, OR Odds ratio, LSD, Least significant difference
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 9, September 2023
Pages: 2140 - 2147
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