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Research Paper | Psychology | India | Volume 12 Issue 9, September 2023 | Popularity: 5.5 / 10
Effects of Child Abuse on the Mental Health of the Child
Diksha Bhayana
Abstract: Child abuse is a serious global problem that has long been studied from different perspectives. The present research is qualitative in nature. It deals with the types and causes of abuse, the impact of abuse on the mental health of children, and its long-term effects in adulthood. It also discusses the management and preventive measures. Child abuse can be in the form of physical, sexual, substance, emotional, psychological, or just neglect in providing for the child's needs. The abuse can be seen more in women than men. Child abuse can directly affect a child?s mental health in terms of low confidence, depression, PTSD, and anxiety. The abuser is usually known to the child who can be of any age, gender, caste, culture, and socio-economic status. Abuse may cause serious injury to the child and may even result in death. It has been caused by many reasons like consuming alcohol, family problems, intimate partners, and the parent-child relationship. Some of the Acts came forward to prevent child abuse (POCSO, NCPCR, Juvenile Justice Act, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, and Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act).
Keywords: Abuse, Child Abuse, Mental Health
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 9, September 2023
Pages: 436 - 439
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