International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Comparative Studies | Education Management | India | Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023

Studies on the Education System in India and Germany

Bappaditya Sannigrahi

Abstract: India and Germany are two of the most important countries in the modern era as far as education is concerned. India is the largest democracy in the world. India is a developing country, a large country with many religions and multidimensional diversity in political, social and economic factors. On the other hand, based on nominal Gross Domestic Product, Germany has the fourth largest economy in the world. Germany is a developed country. One of the comparisons in this paper is the objectives and curriculum of the secondary education system between India and Germany. Data were collected from various research reports, journals, research papers and various websites of secondary educational departments in India and Germany through internet. The data were critically analyzed with a logical approach considering the various factors involved. The objectives and curriculum of secondary education. The study found that as far as the objectives of secondary education are concerned, India and Germany have a lot in common. However, in the context of the curriculum, significant differences were observed in religious education, language learning, and vocational work Secondary level.

Keywords: India, Germany, education, democracy, developing country, diversity, economy, developed country, secondary education, and curriculum

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023,

Pages: 2294 - 2297

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