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Research Paper | Accounting | Uganda | Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023 | Popularity: 5.8 / 10
Exploring the Impact of Experience and Tax Knowledge on Income Tax Compliance in Soroti Districts Small and Medium Enterprises
Isaac Peter Otai, Ndede Dr Fredrick W S, Fredrick Dr Warui Waweru
Abstract: This research delves into the intricate relationship between experience, tax knowledge, and income tax compliance within the context of Small and Medium Enterprises SMEs in Soroti district, Uganda. The study objectives revolve around evaluating the influence of owners managers experience on income tax compliance and examining the connection between tax knowledge and income tax compliance. Employing descriptive and explanatory research designs, data was collected from a sample of 384 respondents using stratified random sampling. Correlation and logistic regression analyses were conducted using SPSS, with hypotheses testing at a 5 percent significance level. The findings indicate that experience of owners managers does not significantly impact income tax compliance, while tax knowledge exhibits a positive and statistically significant correlation with income tax return filing and prompt payment. Consequently, the study underscores the importance of enhancing tax knowledge among SME owners managers to bolster income tax compliance. Recommendations emphasize the need for regular training on tax regulations and requirements to foster compliance among SMEs in Uganda.
Keywords: tax compliance, income tax, Small and Medium Enterprises, tax knowledge, experience
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023
Pages: 2199 - 2207
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