International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Review Papers | Pharmacy | India | Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023

Comprehensive Review of Musa paradisiaca Kadali: Ethnobotanical, Phytochemical, and Pharmcological Insights into a Versatile Medicinal Plant

Shivani Sharma [6]

Abstract: Background: Kadali is Musa paradisiaca linn belonging to musaceae family. It is cultivated throughout India Planted by suckers in fruit orchards, garden shrubberies near houses Farming of Banana in different regions, especially in the plains, Coastal regions and other various areas in country. The ripe fruit is rich source of carbohydrate and a fair source of mineral and vitamins. Many chemical constituents present in kadali like suger, minerals, vitamins uronic acid etc. Kadali used in different disorders like bleeding disorder, eye disorder, menstrual disorder, dysentery, diabetes, uraemia, gout, hypertension, cardiac disorders and bronchial asthma etc. Study of Ayurvedic classics shows that flowers are used in various contexts. Sushrutahas also described Pushpa varga in Sutra sthana while describing various Aahar varga.kadali is described in Charaka Samhita, Susruta Samhita, Astanga Sangraha and Astanga Hridaya, Nigahntu, Pushpayurveda etc. Objective: Our present study was undertaken to give review on kadali with the help of all classical references. Material & method: Regarding the plant reviewed from various research article, review article, various nighantu, samhita & API. Result: This review article helpful for all the Ph.d researcher because all the references are used in this review article from API, Nighnatu, Samhita, Text books of Darvya guna & pharmacognosy and some of previous review & research article. Conclusion: The current review focused on new finding on musaparadisiaca flowerlike neutrceutical value of flower, micrometery, microscopical, macroscopical characters. The detailed review of Kadali (Musa paradisiaca) was compiled from ancient as well as recent texts and various researches on pharmcognostical, phytochemistery & pharmacological actions of Kadali so it was concluded that the Kadali (Musa paradisiaca) had many properties and it?s very useful in many diseases as it reviewed in detailed in many researches. Kadali used in different disorders like bleeding disorder, eye disorder, menstrual disorder, bronchitis disorder, diabetes, uraemia etc.

Keywords: Musa paradisiaca, Kadali, Pharmacognostical, Phytochemistry, Pharmacological

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023,

Pages: 933 - 940

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