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Mini Chapters | Nursing | India | Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023 | Popularity: 5 / 10
A Study to Assess the Mode of Delivery among COVID - 19 Postnatal Mother Admitted at SMVMCH, Puducherry
A. Gracesuji, P. Manimegalai
Abstract: Childbearing women and newborn infants continue to require safe family cantered care during the current COVID - 19 pandemic and they represent a vulnerable population. Caesarean section is not a recommended method of childbirth in pregnant women infected with COVID - 19, however this was the mode of delivery in the majority of cases with foetal distress cited as the indication behind the clinical decision. There was no evidence of COVID - 19 in the amniotic fluid, umbilical cord blood, and neonatal throat swab or breast milk samples. Vertical transmission was reported as negative in all neonates. In this paper, we discuss mode of delivery among COVID - 19 postnatal mothers and maximize the health outcomes of women and infants. The main study was conducted at SMVMCH, Puducherry. The period of data collection was 1 week, and the data were collected from the 30 mothers by using structured questionnaires. Convenience sampling technique was used. The findings shows that Majority of the pregnant women 14 (93.3%) had no risk in vaginal delivery and 1 (6.7%) had risk in vaginal delivery. Majority of the pregnant women 13 (86.7%) had no risk in LSCS delivery and 2 (13.3%) had risk in LSCS delivery. The mean score of effectiveness of the mode of delivery among COVID - 19 pregnant women in vaginal delivery group was 9.07 ? 1.100 and the mean score in the LSCS group was 7.33 ? 1.496 respectively. The study shows that Majority of the postnatal mothers have no risk in vaginal delivery than the LSCS.
Keywords: mode of delivery, COVID- 19, postnatal mothers, spontaneous delivery and lower caesarean section
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023
Pages: 1691 - 1693
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