International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Law | India | Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023

The Age of DNA: Unraveling Mysteries and Impact on Justice Delivery

Suraj Kumar [8]

Abstract: The period we live in is often referred to as the Age of DNA, as advancements in DNA science have been remarkable in understanding the blueprints of life encoded in the human genome. DNA technology has revolutionized various fields, including medicine, biology, and forensic investigation. This paper explores the implications of DNA testing in criminal investigations and its impact on the judicial system in India. It examines the delicate balance between utilizing modern scientific discoveries and safeguarding individual rights, such as the right against self - incrimination and the right to privacy. The paper emphasizes the significance of DNA testing as an effective tool in crime detection, leading to a more secure society. However, it also highlights the need to address the ethical challenges associated with its implementation to ensure a fair and just legal system.

Keywords: DNA Technology, Criminal Investigation, Forensic Evidence, Justice Delivery, Genetic code

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023,

Pages: 499 - 502

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