Prevalence and Patterns of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Patients Receiving Drug Sensitive Anti-Tubercular Medications within and Outside the DOTS at Nodal DRTB Center, SNMC, Agra
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Masters Thesis | Health and Medical Sciences | India | Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023 | Popularity: 5.3 / 10


Prevalence and Patterns of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Patients Receiving Drug Sensitive Anti-Tubercular Medications within and Outside the DOTS at Nodal DRTB Center, SNMC, Agra

Rakesh N Desai, Santosh Kumar, Gajendra Vikram Singh, Sachin Kumar Gupta, Manoj Kumar Pippal

Abstract: Introduction: Drug-resistant tuberculosis is a major public health problem throughout world. India accounts for 27% of global TB burden. More than half of TB patients in India are cared for in private sector. Usage of inappropriate TB diagnostic, treatment practices and lack of adherence to ISTC continues to be documented among private practitioners, potentially contributing to delays in TB diagnosis, development of drug resistance, and ongoing TB transmission. Objectives: 1) To estimate Prevalence of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis among those receiving DSTB regimen within and outside DOTS. 2) To study the Patterns of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis among those receiving DSTB regimen within and outside DOTS. 3) To compare Prevalence and Patterns of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis among those receiving DSTB regimen within and outside DOTS. Materials and Methods: Hospital-based, prospective observational study, performed at tertiary care center, Agra on patients receiving DSTB medications in both within and outside DOTS category. Sputum specimens collected, Rapid molecular drug-resistance testing and growth-based drug-susceptibility testing (DST) were performed. Results: Prevalence of DRTB within the DOTS category 8.16% and outside the DOTS category 10.88% obtained. RR, MDR, PRE XDR and XDR rates are higher in the category of Outside DOTS and the H mono/poly resistance pattern is higher among the Within the DOTS category. Conclusions: Prevalence rates of DRTB are more in outside the DOTS category with high statistical significance and Pre-XDR and XDR forms of DRTB is more in the category of outside DOTS than within DOTS and need further studies to properly explore data and suggest better policies in public private partnership to achieve the ambitious goal of Tuberculosis elimination.

Keywords: Drug-resistant tuberculosis; Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis, National tuberculosis elimination program; Within DOTS, Outside DOTS

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023

Pages: 540 - 543


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Rakesh N Desai, Santosh Kumar, Gajendra Vikram Singh, Sachin Kumar Gupta, Manoj Kumar Pippal, "Prevalence and Patterns of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Patients Receiving Drug Sensitive Anti-Tubercular Medications within and Outside the DOTS at Nodal DRTB Center, SNMC, Agra", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023, pp. 540-543,, DOI: