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Book Review | Environmental Science Studies | Guinea | Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023 | Popularity: 5.6 / 10
Evaluation of the Impact of Anthropic Activities on the Ichtyo-Fauna of the Makona River in the Urban Commune of Gueckedou (Republic of Guinea)
Daouda KONATE, Moussa KEITA, Yamoussa BANGOURA, Saa Albert KAMANO
Abstract: The ichthyofauna, being all the fish of a watercourse, constitutes in particular a source of protein at reduced cost and of income for the riparian populations. However, human activities are becoming increasingly threatening to fish. The consequences of intensive catches, the use of chemical substances in agriculture, the destruction of forests and the introduction of new species of fish strongly disturb aquatic ecosystems and pose real threats of extinction to many species of fish. The objective of this study was to assess the influence of human activities on the fish species of the Makona River in the urban commune of Gueck?dou and to propose corrective measures for an effective and sustainable management of resources. the following methodology was adopted (1-Field survey, 2-Identification of wharves, 3-Inventory of human activities, 4-Inventory of ichthyofauna., 5- Identification of physical parameters, 6- Mapping of the study section of the river, 7- Evaluation of the impact of activities, 7- Proposals of corrective measures for sustainable management of resources. The freshwater ecosystems of Gueck?dou are undergoing profound modifications by anthropogenic activities such as garbage disposal, fishing, agriculture,
Keywords: Assessment, impact, anthropogenic, ichthyofauna
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023
Pages: 148 - 153
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