International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Economics | India | Volume 12 Issue 7, July 2023 | Rating: 5.5 / 10

Financing of Health Care Expenditure of Indoor Patients in Rural Punjab: A Study of Non - Communicable Diseases

Karmjit Singh

Abstract: This paper deals with the financing pattern of non - communicable diseases expenditure in rural Punjab. it is established in the relevant literature that healthy people play a substantial role in the economy. Since better or bad health directly or indirectly impacts economic growth in their own way. Non - communicable diseases prevalence has increased in terms of deaths and disability more than communicable diseases. Therefore, it is natural that the burden of non - communicable diseases in monetary terms would be increased on households. Hence, there becomes a need to examine the source of finance for expenditures. The study has conducted primary and secondary data. The study results shows that cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular are the leading diseases in this pattern of non - communicable diseases. On the other side, financing of the NCDs patients' expenditure largely depends on their pocket. As a result, households have been pushed into debt trap. In the end, the study suggests that government needs to take step in several dimension such as financial assistance, reduce the prevalence of NCDs and so on.

Keywords: Non - communicable diseases, Health Care Expenditure, Financing Pattern, Indebtedness, Punjab

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 7, July 2023,

Pages: 110 - 115

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