Ecological Restoration on East Coast of Ganga Island
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Architecture & Planning | India | Volume 12 Issue 6, June 2023 | Popularity: 4.9 / 10


Ecological Restoration on East Coast of Ganga Island

Disha Ashok Kumar Barik

Abstract: Ganga Sagar Island, south of Kolkata, in West Bengal is a part of Sundarbans natural area. It has small patches of mangrove forests and small river tributaries. Unfor-gettable Sagar Island ensures a unique opportunity to watch and feel the serene beauty of the island surrounded by the sea and rivers dotted with several small creeks. At Ganga sagar every year on the day of Makar Sankranti (14 January), hundreds of thousands of Hindus gather to take a holy dip at the confluence of river Ganga and Bay of Bengal. But the coast experiences Natural cyclones, tidal waves and anthropogenic activities Hence this Island has been subjected to erosion by natural processes and to a little extent by anthropogenic activities over a long period. This paper mainly deals with the impacts, issues and challenges faced by this part of the ecosystem. Be-sides these some suggestions and recommendations for Restoration and plantation of Mangroves majorly focusing on banks of Ghoramara Island, Kuchuberia and Chemagudi Region on East Coast of Ganga Island has been recommended to restore its ecology.

Keywords: Mangroves, Ecology, Restoration, Wave breakers, erosion

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 6, June 2023

Pages: 816 - 821


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Disha Ashok Kumar Barik, "Ecological Restoration on East Coast of Ganga Island", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 12 Issue 6, June 2023, pp. 816-821,, DOI:

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