Assessment of Socioeconomic Impact of Sericulture in Murshidabad: A Social Outreach Programme of Rammohan College
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Analysis Study Research Paper | Agricultural Studies | India | Volume 12 Issue 6, June 2023 | Popularity: 5.4 / 10


Assessment of Socioeconomic Impact of Sericulture in Murshidabad: A Social Outreach Programme of Rammohan College

Chayanika Roy, Sanjay Kumar Paul, Brinta Basu, Sriparna Bawali, Mohana Mukherjee, Siddhee Sthita Mishra, Kaustav Dutta Chowdhury, Santi Ranjan Dey

Abstract: Sericulture was traditionally the main source of income for rural residents in Murshidabad, West Bengal. Sericulture greatly boosts the state's economy by generating jobs, especially for rural women. In 2015-16, the state produced 2568 metric tonnes of raw silk, generating jobs for 22, 19 lakh people. In West Bengal's various districts, there are many problems that affect sericulture workers, such as fluctuating cocoon prices, a lack of markets where raw cocoons can be sold, poor market connections, a lack of storage facilities, poor information about market prices, middlemen who take advantage of sericulture workers, a lack of funding, a lack of innovation, etc. The Researchers were motivated to do this particular investigation by these related issues. As a result, the current investigation will focus on issues at the highest level to lowest level. We found tremendous poverty and gender discrimination, INDIA is earning a lot from Sericulture. This study examines the socioeconomic disparities within the sericulture industry, focusing on the living conditions and prosperity of farmers, weavers, and industrial employees. Through comprehensive research and data analysis, we found that farmers, as landowners, enjoy greater prosperity compared to weavers and industrial employees. The key factor contributing to this disparity is the limited government involvement and support in the growth of the sericulture business, particularly in relation to weavers and industrial employees. Our findings reveal that weavers and industrial employees face extreme poverty, with minimal access to government assistance. Moreover, our investigation uncovered that multiple reelers share a single reeling machine, highlighting the collective efforts of individuals in overcoming resource constraints. The study underscores the urgent need for government intervention to uplift the conditions of weavers and industrial employees, as well as to promote equitable growth in the sericulture industry.

Keywords: Sericulture, Murshidabad, Gender, Socio - economy, Survey

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 6, June 2023

Pages: 170 - 178


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Chayanika Roy, Sanjay Kumar Paul, Brinta Basu, Sriparna Bawali, Mohana Mukherjee, Siddhee Sthita Mishra, Kaustav Dutta Chowdhury, Santi Ranjan Dey, "Assessment of Socioeconomic Impact of Sericulture in Murshidabad: A Social Outreach Programme of Rammohan College", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 12 Issue 6, June 2023, pp. 170-178,, DOI:

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