Evaluation of Diffuse Lung Diseases by HRCT and Correlation with Chest Radiography
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Study Papers | Radiology and Medical Imaging Sciences | India | Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023 | Popularity: 5.3 / 10


Evaluation of Diffuse Lung Diseases by HRCT and Correlation with Chest Radiography

Dr. Navi Sharma, Dr. Bindu Agarwal, Dr. Gaurav Garg, Dr. Mayank Chauhan, Dr. Geetesh Garg, Dr. Priyanka Aggarwal, Dr. Koomie

Abstract: Introduction: The term DILD is a convenient "catch-all" for a heterogeneous group of disorders. The DILDs have been subcategorized as follows: (a) DILDs that have a known etiology (e. g., secondary to exposure to certain drugs or a connective tissue disorder); (b) the idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (which themselves have undergone classification and a more recent update; (c) the granulomatous DILDs; and (d) a group of diffuse lung diseases that include Langerhans cell histiocytosis and Lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Aim: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of chest radiography in DLD/ILD confirmed by chest HRCT. Materials and Methods: 30 patients with signs & symptoms of DLD were included in study. Findings like ground glass haze (GGO), reticular opacities, nodular opacities, fissure thickening, emphysematous changes, fibrotic changes, architectural distortion, honeycombing, septa thickening, consolidation, bronchiectasis, hilar & mediastinal lymphadenopathy, pleural effusion were documented in them and comparison was done between chest radiography & HRCT. Results: The correlation between X ray and HRCT among the study subjects having symptoms of diffuse lung disease. Approximately similar distribution of reticular opacities and emphysematous changes was revealed on X ray as well as HRCT. HRCT revealed more cases of GGO/haziness, septal thickening, nodular opacities, bronchiectatic changes, Hilar & mediastinal lymphadenopathy, fibrotic lesions and NHO/Consolidation as compared to X ray with statistically significant difference as p<0.05. Conclusion: This study concluded that HRCT of the chest has proven to be better method for evaluating & diagnosing the patients with diffuse lung disease than conventional chest radiography. Chest HRCT scan is essential for diagnostic workup; However, chest radiography serves as initial investigation for screening the patients & for their follow up.

Keywords: Diffuse lung diseases, Interstitial lung diseases, Consolidation, Ground glass haze, usual interstitial pneumonia, non - specific interstitial pneumonia, lymphoid intestinal pneumonia, Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023

Pages: 481 - 485

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/SR23505111838

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Dr. Navi Sharma, Dr. Bindu Agarwal, Dr. Gaurav Garg, Dr. Mayank Chauhan, Dr. Geetesh Garg, Dr. Priyanka Aggarwal, Dr. Koomie, "Evaluation of Diffuse Lung Diseases by HRCT and Correlation with Chest Radiography", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023, pp. 481-485, https://www.ijsr.net/getabstract.php?paperid=SR23505111838, DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/SR23505111838

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