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Research Paper | Otorhinolaryngology | India | Volume 12 Issue 4, April 2023 | Popularity: 5.5 / 10
A Cross - Sectional Study of Tracheostomy Complications and its Care in Tertiary Care Centre in Central India
Pawan Kumar Singh, Devendra Mahore, Bhaggyashri D. Bokare, Ashish Keche
Abstract: Background: The present study was carried out with an objective to study the various indications of tracheostomy and complications arising during and after the procedure and its care. Methods: A prospective interventional study was carried out in ENT department during the period from July 2020 to July 2022. Total 237 patients (both pediatric and adult) undergoing tracheostomies for various indications were studied. The details of all participants such as demographic data, indications of tracheostomy, intra and postoperative complications were recorded and management of complications (if any) was done. Results: The tracheostomy was performed more commonly in middle age group (15 - 50 years). Males were more commonly subjected to tracheostomy as compared to females. Planned tracheostomies were more frequently performed, as most common indication of tracheostomy was assisted ventilation both in adult and children. The incidence of complications was 29.69% (71 patients), the majority happening during the early postoperative period. Conclusions: The main indication for tracheostomy in adult and children was assisted ventilation. Most common complication during emergency tracheostomy was surgical emphysema (9 cases i. e.12.68%) whereas most common complication during elective tracheostomy was tube displacement (8 cases i. e.11.27%). Most of the complications were managed conservatively.
Keywords: Tracheostomy, Indications, Complications, Tracheostomy Care
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 4, April 2023
Pages: 1165 - 1168
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