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Informative Article | Education Management | India | Volume 12 Issue 4, April 2023 | Popularity: 5 / 10
Need of the Environmental Education for Students in Global Scenario
Dr. Renuka Sonny L. R.
Abstract: All the physical and biological aspects of human survival involve some kind of interaction with his environment. Both, non - living and living components of the biosphere influence each other. All the environmental problems could be classified under two categories according to nature of the damage to human beings. Those directly affecting human welfare, health, social disruption and quality of life. Those indirectly affecting human welfare through interference with services provided for society by natural biological systems. The current markers of contemporary world scenario i. e. globalization, industrialization, liberalization and consumerization has eroded the delicate balance between human activity and nature. Education is expected to play a pivotal role in all developmental processes, which ought to be eco - friendly in nature. Environmental education is education in environmentally responsible decision making and problem solving. The relationship between man and his environment begins at birth and continues throughout his life. Hence Environmental education should begin at the pre - school age and continue through adulthood. We require need - based, life - oriented, environment oriented education. Environmental education should be interdisciplinary, drawing from biological, sociological, anthropological, economic, political and humanistic sources. Environmental education involves focusing on a wide range of concepts, processes and perspectives. Environmental education lays emphasis not only on cognitive domain but also affective and psychomotor domains. Affective domain emphasis on interests, attitudes, values and commitment towards environmental problems and its solutions. Psychomotor objectives enables students to participate in environmental activities. Environmental awareness is a kind of ?value? and should become a part of everyone?s value system.
Keywords: Environmental education, affective domain, psychomotor domain
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 4, April 2023
Pages: 923 - 925
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