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Informative Article | Philosophy | Uzbekistan | Volume 12 Issue 3, March 2023 | Popularity: 5.4 / 10
Philosophical and Historical Reconstruction of Wang Yangming's Teaching on the Value - Ethical Aspects of Cognition, Being and Human
Izzetova Emine, Li Yekaterina
Abstract: The subject of the research is the onto - epistemological, praxeological, anthropo - ethical aspects of the philosophy of Wang Yangming is founder of neo - Confucianism of the Ming era. A special role in this context is played by linguistic symbols in understanding the gnoseologization of ontology, the axiologisation of the cognitive process. The dialectical interrelation of knowledge and action, good and evil, love and hatred in any human activity is revealed. A comparative analysis of the understanding of action in yangminism and Western philosophy has been carried out. The value of the study is due to the substantiation of the methodological role of Wang Yangming's philosophy in strengthening the positions of the internalist direction of neo - Confucianism. The relevance of the research topic is due, firstly, to the dynamics of the development of the modern world, integration processes, strengthening the principles of the open world, expanding the information and communication space; secondly, the increased interest in the doctrine of "coincident unity of knowledge and action" (zhixing he yi), which determines the essence of the main category of Wang Yangming?s teaching ? "prudence" (liangzhi); thirdly, the increased intercultural contacts with the business circles of modern China, the effective implementation of which is impossible without taking into account a wide range of ideas about the features of national culture, the core of which is the basic principles and categories of Confucianism and neo - Confucianism. Effective implementation of constructive dialogue and cooperation is impossible without taking into account a wide range of ideas about the peculiarities of national culture. The core of the national culture is the basic principles and categories of Confucianism and neo - Confucianism. The purpose of the study and the degree of study of the problem: Systematic analysis of the categories and principles of Wang Yangming's philosophy, which serve as the theoretical and methodological basis of neo - Confucianism. A number of scholars devoted their works to studying the essence and specifics of Wang Yangming's unique philosophical heritage. In the studies of KobzevA. I., an analysis of the life and work of Wang Yangming, the formation of his philosophical worldview and the concept of "subjective materialism" was carried out. Martynov D. E. considered the connection between Maoism and the concept of "coincident unity of knowledge and action" (chih - hsing ho - yi) of Wang Yangming. The problem of personal responsibility in the work of the thinker Wang Yangming was studied by M. A. Berezikova. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: on the basis of the principles of historicism, continuity and logism, consider the two - phase cycle of the emergence and transformation of neo - Confucianism from ontologism to epistemology of two eras: Song and Ming; to show the epistemological status and significance of Wang Yangming's concept of individual personality; reveal the nature of radical anthropocentrism, personacentrism and sociocentrism put forward by Wang Yangming and Zhu Xi; reveal the essence and determine the place of the "teaching about the heart" in the worldview of the Chinese; substantiate the idea of the impermissibility of the principle of ethical neutrality of a person even as an epistemological subject; determine the conceptual meaning of the "coinciding unity" of knowledge and action in Wang Yangming; how the role of linguistic symbols in understanding the axiologisation of the cognitive process; substantiate the fundamental role and structural - hierarchical relations between concepts and categories: "being", "ethical person", "evil", "knowledge and action", "teaching of the heart", love (hao), lovely beauty (se) and hatred (y). Research methods: Based on the specifics of the subject in the course of the study, historical and philosophical reconstruction, ideographic, hermeneutic, logical and historical methods in their unity, methods of comparative analysis, generalization and synthesis as a combination of interpreted material in a new perspective, which allow us to draw some conclusions, were involved in the methodological apparatus. Research results: The results of the study give grounds to draw the following conclusions: Wang Yangming created a unique gnoseo - praxeological, anthropo - ethical concept of cognition of an individual personality within the framework of neo - Confucianism. In the context of his worldview, the core of this problem is not an objective study of the human being, but the subjective ability to become a real person. It has been determined that the concept of "being" does not contain the idea of its being revealed, while the concept of "presence" necessarily implies such. To be present, or to be, means to be present, to be taken into account. In the teachings of Wang Yangming, the very concept of ethical neutrality is absent, since everything is conceived within the framework of a strict alternative of "good or evil", there is no third option. he basic category of Wang Yangming's philosophy is the category of xin - "heart" or consciousness, which is identified with the whole world. Consequently, the main object of knowledge for Wang Yangming is consciousness: knowledge of the laws of the world and the rules of behavior must be carried out through self - knowledge. An analysis of the binary pair of terms, "zhi" and "xing", led to the conclusion that it compares not just knowledge and action, but effective knowledge and conscious action.
Keywords: Confucianism, neo - Confucianism, ontologism, epistemological anthropologism, personacentrism, ethical person, knowledge - action, teaching of the heart, binary, perfect wisdom, intersubjectivity, ethization of epistemology, axiology, praxeology
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 3, March 2023
Pages: 1707 - 1712
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