To Study the Correlation of Body Mass Index with Agility and Flexibility of Hamstring Muscle on Practicing Male Cricket Players
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Physiotherapy | India | Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023 | Popularity: 5 / 10


To Study the Correlation of Body Mass Index with Agility and Flexibility of Hamstring Muscle on Practicing Male Cricket Players

Dr. Boskey Panchal, Dr. Ravi Dumaniya

Abstract: Background and objective: Body mass index is defined as weight (kg) divided by height (mtr) squared. Flexibility varies between individual, particularly, in terms of different in muscle length and joints. Agility is also the ability of the body to quickly change direction from one place to another. Objective of this study was to find the relation between BMI, hamstring muscle flexibility and agility in practicing male cricket player. Method: students of age 7 to 22 years were selected for the study as per inclusion criteria. Written consent has been taken and the method has been explained to students, body mass index calculated based on subjects? height and weight. height was measured in cm and body weight in kg. Hamstring muscle flexibility was measured using YMCA sit and reach test.3trial has been used to measure hamstring muscle flexibility. T run test used to measure their agility score. Statistical analysis: Descriptive statistics of Mean and standard deviation were calculated. All collected data were analyzed using SPSS. Level of significance for correlation testing was set at p?0.05 and confidence interval 95%. Spearmen correlation test was used to find correlation between outcomes. Results: In BMI vs. hamstring flexibility correlation, there was no considered statistically significant correlation for age group subjects of 7 - 14 and 15 - 22 with respectively r values of r= +0.007331186, r= - 0.06369399 and p values were p= +0.944397316, p=+0.597704058. In BMI vs. agility correlation, there was considered significant inverse relation in age group subjects age 7 - 14, and statistically non - significant correlation in age group 15 - 22, respectively r values were r= - 0.42829, r= - 0.06369399 values p values are p= +0.00002, p= +0.38457. Conclusion: Our result had concluded that there was no relationship between BMI and hamstring muscle flexibility for both age groups, and inverse correlation between BMI and agility for age group of 7 - 14 whereas non - significant correlation in age group of 15 - 22 showing weak correlation between BMI and agility.

Keywords: Hamstring muscle flexibility, BMI, YMCA sit and reach test, T agility run test

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023

Pages: 2157 - 2159


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Dr. Boskey Panchal, Dr. Ravi Dumaniya, "To Study the Correlation of Body Mass Index with Agility and Flexibility of Hamstring Muscle on Practicing Male Cricket Players", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023, pp. 2157-2159,, DOI:

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