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Survey Paper | Dentistry | India | Volume 12 Issue 3, March 2023 | Popularity: 5 / 10
Knowledge and Awareness about Maxillofacial Prosthesis as a Mode of Rehabilitation amongst the Medical Practitioners in South West Bangalore - A Questionnaire Study
Dr. Kunal Rajiv Singh, Dr. Gautam Shetty, Dr. Shwetha Poovani
Abstract: The carcinoma of orofacial region is one of the most prevalent site of occurrence. The squamous cell carcinoma constitutes approximately 90 - 95 % of all the reported cases of the orofacial cancer. Since surgery remains the core treatment modality for the treatment of such conditions it is often accompanied by complications. Often the restoration in these cases should ideally be carried out as soon as possible to minimise psychological trauma but it been observed that most of the patient?s in India suffering with such defects do not get referred to a maxillofacial prosthodontist and remain untreated. Primary cause for this may or may not be the lack of awareness among the medical practitioners like surgeons, ophthalmologists, ENT surgeons, plastic surgeons to treat such patients for the residual defects after surgery. This descriptive study was designed to be conducted amongst the institutional and private medical practitioners of south - west Bangalore, Karnataka. A self - administered questionnaire in simple English language was formulated and distributed between the medical practitioners with full instructions after obtaining their prior consent on goggle form service. The questionnaire contained a total of 12 questions.10 questions were knowledge and awareness based, regarding awareness about maxillofacial prosthodontics as a specialized branch, which deals with the replacement of the missing facial structures. Statistical analyses was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Results on categorical measurements were presented as Frequency (Percentage). Inferential statistics like Fischer Exact test/Chi - square test was used to check association between the variables. The significance of level adopted was 5%. The study projects that despite a satisfactory (92%) awareness of the medical practitioners about the field of prosthodontics, the referrals or rehabilitation rate of patients with surgical excision is very low. The survey indicates a need to conduct awareness activities amongst the medical practitioners and patients undergoing such treatments. An initiative to join hands to form a multidisciplinary team is required to improve the health related quality of life of individuals with maxillofacial defects.
Keywords: maxillofacial Prosthodontics, maxillofacial defects, maxillofacial prosthesis
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 3, March 2023
Pages: 826 - 832
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