International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Arts and Humanities | Somalia | Volume 12 Issue 2, February 2023

Political Communication and Realities of Democracy, Case Study in Kenya

Omar Abdi Mohamed Qasaye [15]

Abstract: Swanson and Nimmo (1990) define political communication as "the strategic use of communication to influence public knowledge, beliefs, and action on political matters. " They emphasize the strategic nature of political communication, highlighting the role of persuasion in political discourse. McNair (2011) on the other hand, provides a similar definition that political communication is "purposeful communication about politics. " That is, that this not only covers verbal or written statements, but also visual representations such as dress, make-up, hairstyle or logo design. Political communications has always been central to the electoral and policymaking process in the society. IDS report (June 2005) argue that development involves not just the expansion of resources, skills and power in any given state but also the political processes of ?state/society bargaining? over their distribution that occur within it. Therefore, development is fundamentally political. It involves enabling those who are excluded to gain a greater and more just share of power and resources, through participation in political, policy and decision-making processes at every level. The important aspect is how politics is communicated to the citizens and how they opinionate on the messages given to them. World Bank, (2006) agrees that the impact of communication and information processes on societies of every kind is going to increase rapidly in the coming decades. The volume and speed of information flows, and the number of people who have access to them, is rising fast.

Keywords: Politics, Communication, Democracy

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 2, February 2023,

Pages: 1274 - 1281

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