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Research Paper | Agriculture | India | Volume 12 Issue 2, February 2023 | Popularity: 4.7 / 10
Monitoring of Agricultural Activities in a Digital Environment
Komal Rathee, Dr. V. K. Srivastava
Abstract: Digital era is playing a very important role in each and every field. Agriculture plays a very important role in increasing the economy of any country. Monitoring the agricultural yield is a big challenge now a day because of varying in climate conditions monitoring the various parameter such as soil content, moisture level, and pesticides for varieties of crops is a big challenge. Sure the digital era can help in the monitoring of all these parameters by using sensors and also by using the related data information to predict the best yield of any crops. One strategy for improving productivity and income in agriculture around the world is digital agriculture. In the paper, different techniques to monitor agricultural activities in a digital environment are explored to increase the productivity of the growth of the cultivated field. The success of digital agriculture depends on decreased technological costs, user-friendly portable gear, pay-per-use rental arrangements, legislative assistance, and leveraging the strength of farmer collectives. The IoT with machine learning, big data storage, and analysis of the data-taking relevant technologies are discussed in the article. IoT with machine learning techniques and applications for smart agriculture is trending in favourable directions, and they also present opportunities and problems.
Keywords: Smart farming, IoT, Big Data, Machine Learning
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 2, February 2023
Pages: 1151 - 1155
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