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Analysis Study Research Paper | Dentistry | Libya | Volume 12 Issue 2, February 2023 | Popularity: 5.4 / 10
Prevalence and Common Hard Tissue Pathology of Impacted Canines in a Libyan Population Sample: A Retrospective Study Using Digital Panoramic Radiography
Abeer H Elsagali, Abdurahman M Elmezwghi, Naima M El - Kakalli
Abstract: Background: Canine impaction (CI) is relatively common, ranging from 0.8-3.6%. Unilateral impaction is more common than bilateral impaction and impaction is more common in the palate than in the buccal position. Diagnosis of complications such as root resorption of the lateral incisors, transmigration, cyst, or tumor will influence further treatment decisions. Aim: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of CI in a Libyan population sample using digital panoramic radiographs (PRs) and to identify associated hard tissue pathologies. In addition to the study of gender, position, aspect, and the phenomenon of transmigration. Material and Methods: For this evaluation, 1566 digital PRs from the population of Tripoli, Libya were retrospectively collected. Selected PRs were evaluated using Microsoft Excel and the information was collected and studied (Microsoft Office 2013). Data were validated using the chi-square analysis method. Results: Examination of the digital PRs of 1, 566 patients revealed that 58 (3.7%) cases of canine impactions (CIs) in the total study population had at least one CI, with a female to male ratio of 1.3: 1. Root resorption of adjacent incisors was the most common pathology in 17.2% of hard tissues. Conclusion: The prevalence of CI was high in the study population. Maxillary impacted Canine (Max IC) was more common than mandibular impacted canine (Mand IC) and was more common in females than in males. Unilateral CI had a higher prevalence than bilateral CI. CI positions are usually palatal in the maxilla and labial in the mandible.
Keywords: Prevalence, canine impaction, hard tissue pathology, digital panoramic radiography, Libyan population
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 2, February 2023
Pages: 1156 - 1159
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