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Research Paper | Computer Science | India | Volume 12 Issue 12, December 2023 | Popularity: 5.1 / 10
Design of Expert Decision Support and Learning Console to Assist Farmers in Cultivation
B. Pushpa, S. Sajini
Abstract: Farming is the most significant part of the Indian economy where maximum outcomes rely on the effective functioning of the cultivation. It is not only commercially important but also extends a social responsibility for building a healthy society for future generations. In recent times, many people have shown interest in learning and implementing farming systems for better cultivation patterns but lack relevant expert guidance in completing the problem. The major objective of the research work was to design an expert system capable of portraying complete information on the farming practices in different farmlands and its decision-making process of the right type of crops to be cultivated to yield good production and support. The Intellect Farming Decision Support Framework (IFDSF) assisted budding farmers could learning the art of farming and finding solutions to their problems with technical support from an expert system. The major scope of the research is to build an expert system and implement it with intelligent support for the farmers.
Keywords: Farmer Support System; Decision Support System; Farming Guidance; Intellect Farming Decision Support Framework; Cultivation Patterns
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 12, December 2023
Pages: 1734 - 1739
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