International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Education Management | Israel | Volume 12 Issue 12, December 2023

The Degree to Which School Management Uses Artificial Intelligence and its Relationship to Improving Teachers? Performance in Teaching in Secondary Schools in the Northern District

Dr. Nasreen Abu Younis [2]

Abstract: The purpose of the current study was to find out how much artificial intelligence is used by school administrators to enhance the performance of secondary school teachers in the Northern District. It also sought to determine whether there were any variations in the responses from teachers based on factors such as gender, specialization, educational region, years of experience, and academic qualification. The investigator employed the technique During the 2023?2024 academic year, 175 male and female secondary school teachers in Israel's Northern District made up the study sample. They were divided among twenty-five schools and chosen at random. A questionnaire with 19 items was created in order to meet the study's objectives. The study's findings demonstrated that there were statistically significant differences at the significance level (? = 0.05) in the study sample's estimates of the extent to which school administration used artificial intelligence to improve performance. The study sample's estimates of the degree to which school administration used artificial intelligence to improve performance was also found to be moderate. The factors that influence teachers in secondary schools in the Northern District are the educational region variable, which favors the district, the educational qualification variable, which favors the "Master's" category, the gender variable, which favors women, and the lack of statistically significant differences that could be attributed to the influence of the two variables, years of experience and specialization. The findings also demonstrated a statistically significant and favorable relationship between the level of artificial intelligence used by school administrators and the enhancement of teaching quality among secondary school instructors in the Northern District. In light of the study's findings, it is advised that secondary school principals in the Northern District be given specialized training programmes to assist them in promoting artificial intelligence in teaching and learning. Additionally, community members should be included in meetings intended to inform them of the technological applications of artificial intelligence utilized in the school, and teacher development programmes pertaining to artificial intelligence techniques and their application in the teaching and learning process should continue.

Keywords: School Administration, Artificial Intelligence, Teacher Performance, Secondary Schools, Northern District

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 12, December 2023,

Pages: 1490 - 1505

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